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Primary school Nový Hrádek

The Nový Hrádek Primary School has been a legal entity since 1 January 1995. It includes a primary school and a school day care centre. The elementary school has both 1st and 2nd grade and this status is unchanged even when other schools in the Orlické Mountains region have abolished the 2nd grade. On the other hand, the specialised classrooms for the 2nd grade have been modernised.

ZŠ Nový Hrádek - tepelná čerpadla PZP HEATING

Basic information

4× invertor DYNAMIC 16 kW
HP3AWX 16 Splitbox
separated capacitor SPLITBOX
Accessoriesstorage tank 300 l
back-up electric boiler 72 kW
Usageheating, hot water heating
Place of realizationNový Hrádek
Year of installation2019
Thermal loss58,86 kW (outdoor calculated temperature -18 °C)
Outlet temperature63 °C
Hot water heatingin locally located electric hot water tanks

Replacement of the heat source with a heat pump in the Nový Hrádek Primary School

The building was heated by a hot water accumulation boiler and accumulation stove. The project involved replacing the heat source and replacing the electric storage stove with a hot water heating system with air-to-water heat pumps as the new heat source.

Heat source

For heating, a cascade of 4 inverter air-to-water heat pumps of 16 kW each is installed. As a backup heat source is an electric boiler with an output of 72 kW. The heat source is used for heating water and operates with equithermal control.

The heat pump is designed with a separate condenser. A room is built in the attic of the school to house the heat pump condensers, which are connected to the outdoor units by refrigerant pipes. From this room, a hot water pipe runs to the 1st floor to the utility room where the storage tank, the heat pumps’ electrical switchgear and the 72 kW bivalent heat source are located.

DYNAMIC heat pumps are designed in a compact outdoor monoblock design with inverter technology. Each heat pump has a high heating factor of up to 5.06.Hodnoty hluku tepelného čerpadla PZP DYNAMIC jsou hluboko pod limitními hodnotami. The sound pressure at a distance of 3 m from the HP3AWX 16 DYNAMIC unit is 35 dB.

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Produkty - tepelné čerpadlo systém vzduch-voda